This chapter describes LAN Emulation Configuration Server (LECS) messages. For information on message content and how to use the message, refer to the Introduction.
LECS.001 |
Short Syntax: LECS.001 LECS: crt fld: dplct LECS
Long Syntax: LECS.001 LECS: create failed: duplicate LECS
Description: LECS already exists so another cannot be created.
LECS.002 |
Short Syntax: LECS.002 LECS: crt fld: mem alloc err
Long Syntax: LECS.002 LECS: create failed: memory allocation error
Description: A memory allocation error occurred while attempting to create the LECS.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.003 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.003 LECS: starting operation
Long Syntax: LECS.003 LECS: starting operation
Description: The LECS initialization procedures are starting.
LECS.004 |
Short Syntax: LECS.004 LECS: doesn't exist: descrip_string
Long Syntax: LECS.004 LECS: does not exist: descrip_string
Description: The user is attempting to add, delete, or modify resources of the LECS when the LECS has yet to be created. The offending action is given by the parameter.
LECS.005 |
Short Syntax: LECS.005 LECS: inactv state: descrip_string
Long Syntax: LECS.005 LECS: inactive state: descrip_string
Description: The user is attempting to add, delete, or modify resources of the LECS when the LECS is in a state which does not permit this action. The offending action is given by the parameter.
LECS.006 |
Short Syntax: LECS.006 LECS: dlt fld: no LECS
Long Syntax: LECS.006 LECS: delete failed: no LECS
Description: An attempt was made to delete the LECS when the LECS does not exist.
LECS.007 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.007 LECS: dltd
Long Syntax: LECS.007 LECS: deleted
Description: The LECS has been deleted.
LECS.008 |
Short Syntax: LECS.008 LECS: stp fld: no LECS
Long Syntax: LECS.008 LECS: stop failed: no LECS
Description: An attempt was made to stop the LECS when the LECS does not exist.
LECS.009 |
Short Syntax: LECS.009 LECS: stp fld: invld ctl blk
Long Syntax: LECS.009 LECS: stop failed: invalid control block
Description: An attempt was made to stop the LECS using an invalid pointer to its control block.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.010 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.010 LECS: stopped
Long Syntax: LECS.010 LECS: stopped
Description: The LECS operation has been stopped.
LECS.011 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.011 LECS: restarting
Long Syntax: LECS.011 LECS: restarting
Description: The LECS operation is being restarted.
LECS.012 |
Short Syntax: LECS.012 LECS: set fld: no LECS
Long Syntax: LECS.012 LECS: set failed: no LECS
Description: An attempt was made to set a parameter of the LECS when the LECS does not exist.
LECS.013 |
Short Syntax: LECS.013 LECS: set fld: invld parm
Long Syntax: LECS.013 LECS: set failed: invalid parameter
Description: An attempt was made to set a parameter of the LECS using an invalid parameter identifier.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.014 |
Short Syntax: LECS.014 LECS: crt ELAN ' elan_name' fld: dplct ELAN nm
Long Syntax: LECS.014 LECS: create ELAN ' elan_name' failed: duplicate ELAN name
Description: The user is attempting to create an ELAN at the LECS using an ELAN name which already exists at the LECS.
LECS.015 |
Short Syntax: LECS.015 LECS: crt ELAN ' elan_name' fld: mem alloc err
Long Syntax: LECS.015 LECS: create ELAN ' elan_name' failed: memory allocation error
Description: A memory allocation error occured while attempting to create an ELAN at the LECS.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.016 |
Short Syntax: LECS.016 LECS: invld crrltr on upcall ' upcall_descriptor_string'
Long Syntax: LECS.016 LECS: invalid correlator on upcall ' upcall_descriptor_string'
Description: The ATM interface has issued an upcall to the LECS using an invalid user correlator.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.017 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.017 LECS: ELAN ' elan_name' crtd
Long Syntax: LECS.017 LECS: ELAN ' elan_name' created
Description: The specified ELAN was created at the LECS.
LECS.018 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.018 LECS: ELAN ' elan_name' dltd
Long Syntax: LECS.018 LECS: ELAN ' elan_name' deleted
Description: The specified ELAN was deleted at the LECS.
LECS.019 |
Short Syntax: LECS.019 LECS: crt plcy fld: invld plcy type x policy_type
Long Syntax: LECS.019 LECS: create policy failed: invalid policy type x policy_type
Description: The user attempted to create a policy using an invalid policy type.
LECS.020 |
Short Syntax: LECS.020 LECS: crt plcy fld: invld plcy prrty policy_priority
Long Syntax: LECS.020 LECS: create policy failed: invalid policy priority policy_priority
Description: The user attempted to create a policy using an invalid policy priority.
LECS.021 |
Short Syntax: LECS.021 LECS: crt plcy fld: mem alloc err: tp x policy_type prrty policy_priority
Long Syntax: LECS.021 LECS: create policy failed: memory allocation error: type x policy_type priority policy_priority
Description: The LECS was unable to allocate the memory required to create the policy.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.022 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.022 LECS: plcy x policy_type crtd at prrty policy_priority
Long Syntax: LECS.022 LECS: policy x policy_type created at priority policy_priority
Description: The specified policy was created at the specified priority at the LECS
LECS.023 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.023 LECS: plcy x policy_type dltd at prrty policy_priority
Long Syntax: LECS.023 LECS: policy x policy_type deleted at priority policy_priority
Description: The specified policy was deleted at the specified priority from the LECS
LECS.024 |
Short Syntax: LECS.024 LECS: crt plcy val fld: mem alloc err: pol_value_type_description pol_value
Long Syntax: LECS.024 LECS: create policy value failed: memory allocation error: pol_value_type_description pol_value
Description: The LECS was unable to allocate the memory required to create the specified policy value.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.025 |
Short Syntax: LECS.025 LECS: crt plcy val fld: val exsts: pol_value_type_description pol_value
Long Syntax: LECS.025 LECS: create policy value failed: value already exists: pol_value_type_description pol_value
Description: The specified policy value already exists at the LECS.
LECS.026 |
Short Syntax: LECS.026 LECS: crt plcy val fld: dbase err: pol_value_type_description pol_value
Long Syntax: LECS.026 LECS: create policy value failed: database error: pol_value_type_description pol_value
Description: The LECS was unable to create the policy value because of an internal database error.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.027 |
Short Syntax: LECS.027 LECS: crt plcy val fld: incompat val: pol_val_type_description pol_value
Long Syntax: LECS.027 LECS: create policy value failed: incompatible value: pol_val_type_description pol_value
Description: The LECS was unable to create the policy value because the value specified was incompatible with the given ELAN. Either there was a conflict between the ELAN type given and the type of the specified ELAN, or there was a conflict between the frame size given and the maximum frame size of the specified ELAN.
LECS.028 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.028 LECS: crtd ATM pref pol val: x atm_prefix_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.028 LECS: created ATM prefix policy value: x atm_prefix_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully created the specified policy value, binding it to the specified LES.
LECS.029 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.029 LECS: crtd MAC addr pol val: x mac_address_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.029 LECS: created MAC address policy value: x mac_address_pv => les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully created the specified policy value, binding it to the specified LES.
LECS.030 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.030 LECS: crtd rte desc pol val: x rte_descriptor_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.030 LECS: created route descriptor policy value: x rte_descriptor_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully created the specified policy value, binding it to the specified LES.
LECS.031 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.031 LECS: crtd LAN type pol val: lan_type_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.031 LECS: created LAN type policy value: lan_type_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully created the specified policy value, binding it to the specified LES.
LECS.032 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.032 LECS: crtd max frm sz pol val: frame_size_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.032 LECS: created maximum frame size policy value: frame_size_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully created the specified policy value, binding it to the specified LES.
LECS.033 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.033 LECS: crtd ELAN nm pol val: ' elan_name_pv' => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.033 LECS: created ELAN name policy value: ' elan_name_pv' => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully created the specified policy value, binding it to the specified LES.
LECS.034 |
Short Syntax: LECS.034 LECS: dltd ATM pref pol val: val not exst x atm_prefix_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.034 LECS: deleted ATM prefix policy value: value did not exist x atm_prefix_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the LES because the value did not exist at the LECS.
LECS.035 |
Short Syntax: LECS.035 LECS: dltd ATM pref pol val: bad LES addr x atm_prefix_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.035 LECS: deleted ATM prefix policy value: bad LES address x atm_prefix_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the LES because the specified value is bound to a LES other than the specified LES.
LECS.036 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.036 LECS: dltd ATM pref pol val: x atm_prefix_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.036 LECS: deleted ATM prefix policy value: x atm_prefix_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the specified LES.
LECS.037 |
Short Syntax: LECS.037 LECS: dltd MAC addr pol val: val not exst x mac_address_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.037 LECS: deleted MAC address policy value: value did not exist x mac_address_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the LES because the value did not exist at the LECS.
LECS.038 |
Short Syntax: LECS.038 LECS: dltd MAC addr pol val: bad LES addr x mac_address_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.038 LECS: deleted MAC address policy value: bad LES address x mac_address_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the LES because the specified value is bound to a LES other than the specified LES.
LECS.039 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.039 LECS: dltd MAC addr pol val: x mac_address_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.039 LECS: deleted MAC address policy value: x mac_address_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the specified LES.
LECS.040 |
Short Syntax: LECS.040 LECS: dltd rte desc pol val: val not exst x rte_descriptor_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.040 LECS: deleted route descriptor policy value: bad LES addr x rte_descriptor_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the LES because the value did not exist at the LECS.
LECS.041 |
Short Syntax: LECS.041 LECS: dltd rte desc pol val: bad LES addr x rte_descriptor_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.041 LECS: deleted route descriptor policy value: bad LES address x rte_descriptor_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the LES because the specified value is bound to a LES other than the specified LES.
LECS.042 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.042 LECS: dltd rte desc pol val: x rte_descriptor_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.042 LECS: deleted route descriptor policy value: x rte_descriptor_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the specified LES.
LECS.043 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.043 LECS: dltd LAN type pol val: lan_type_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.043 LECS: deleted LAN type policy value: lan_type_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the LES.
LECS.044 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.044 LECS: dltd max frm sz pol val: frame_size_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.044 LECS: deleted maximum frame size policy value: frame_size_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the LES.
LECS.045 |
Short Syntax: LECS.045 LECS: dltd ELAN nm pol val: val not exst ' elan_name_pv' => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.045 LECS: deleted ELAN name policy value: value did not exist ' elan_name_pv' => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the LES because the value did not exist at the LECS.
LECS.046 |
Short Syntax: LECS.046 LECS: dltd ELAN nm pol val: bad LES addr ' elan_name_pv' => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.046 LECS: deleted ELAN name policy value: bad LES address ' elan_name_pv' => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the LES because the specified value is bound to a LES other than the specified LES.
LECS.047 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.047 LECS: dltd ELAN nm pol val: ' elan_name_pv' => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.047 LECS: deleted ELAN name policy value: ' elan_name_pv' => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the specified LES.
LECS.048 |
Short Syntax: LECS.048 LECS: operation_descrip_string: ELAN nm ' elan_name' not exst
Long Syntax: LECS.048 LECS: operation_descrip_string: ELAN name ' elan_name' does not exist
Description: A lookup for the specified ELAN name failed during the given operation.
LECS.049 |
Short Syntax: LECS.049 LECS: crt TLV failed: tp x tlv_type len tlv_length val tlv_value: for ELAN ' elan_name': mem alloc err
Long Syntax: LECS.049 LECS: create TLV failed: type x tlv_type length tlv_length value tlv_value: for ELAN ' elan_name': memory allocation error
Description: The LECS failed in attempting to allocate memory for the TLV.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.050 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.050 LECS: crtd TLV: tp x tlv_type len tlv_length val x tlv_value: for ELAN ' elan_name'
Long Syntax: LECS.050 LECS: created TLV: type x tlv_type length tlv_length value x tlv_value: for ELAN ' elan_name'
Description: The LECS created the specified TLV for the given ELAN.
LECS.051 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.051 LECS: dltd TLV: tp x tlv_type len tlv_length val tlv_value: for ELAN ' elan_name'
Long Syntax: LECS.051 LECS: deleted TLV: type x tlv_type length tlv_length value tlv_value: for ELAN ' elan_name'
Description: The LECS deleted the specified TLV from the ELAN.
LECS.052 |
Short Syntax: LECS.052 LECS: trmntng error_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.052 LECS: terminating error_string ( error_code)
Description: LECS is being terminated because of the specified reason.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.053 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.053 LECS: rlsng idle vccs
Long Syntax: LECS.053 LECS: releasing idle vccs
Description: LECS has exceeded its maximum number of VCCs and is attempting to release VCCs which have not been recently used.
LECS.054 |
Short Syntax: LECS.054 LECS: rls idle vccs fld: error_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.054 LECS: release idle vccs failed: error_string ( error_code)
Description: LECS failed in attempting to get the current time from the ATM device. Idle VCCs were not able to be released.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.055 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.055 LECS: rlsd idle vcc to x atm_address
Long Syntax: LECS.055 LECS: released idle vcc to x atm_address
Description: LECS determined that the connection to the given ATM address was idle and released it.
LECS.056 |
Short Syntax: LECS.056 LECS: ATM user reg fld: error_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.056 LECS: ATM user registration failed: error_string ( error_code)
Description: LECS was unable to register as a user of ATM.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.057 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.057 LECS: wtng for ATM net up
Long Syntax: LECS.057 LECS: waiting for ATM net up
Description: ATM interface is down, waiting for net up
LECS.058 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.058 LECS: wtng for ATM addr act
Long Syntax: LECS.058 LECS: waiting for ATM address activation
Description: ATM address activation has not yet completed
LECS.059 |
Short Syntax: LECS.059 LECS: ATM addr act fld: error_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.059 LECS: ATM address activation failed: error_string ( error_code)
Description: ATM address activation has failed for the LECS.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.060 |
Short Syntax: LECS.060 LECS: unbl to get ATM addr: error_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.060 LECS: unable to get ATM address: error_string ( error_code)
Description: The LECS was unable to get its ATM address.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.061 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.061 LECS: ATM addr: x atm_address
Long Syntax: LECS.061 LECS: ATM address: x atm_address
Description: The LECS has retrieved its ATM address.
LECS.062 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.062 LECS: wtng for UNI vrsn rpt
Long Syntax: LECS.062 LECS: waiting for UNI version report
Description: The LECS is waiting to be informed of the UNI version.
LECS.063 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.063 LECS: UNI vrsn uni_version rptd
Long Syntax: LECS.063 LECS: UNI version uni_version reported
Description: The LECS is operating under the specified UNI version.
LECS.064 |
Short Syntax: LECS.064 LECS: unbl to open frame SAP: error_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.064 LECS: unable to open frame SAP: error_string ( error_code)
Description: The LECS failed to open a frame SAP.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.065 |
Short Syntax: LECS.065 LECS: unbl to open call SAP: error_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.065 LECS: unable to open call SAP: error_string ( error_code)
Description: The LECS failed to open a call SAP.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.066 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.066 LECS: cmpltd intzltn
Long Syntax: LECS.066 LECS: completed initialization
Description: The LECS has completed initialization and is completely operational.
LECS.067 |
Short Syntax: LECS.067 LECS: frm dscrdd: discard_reason
Long Syntax: LECS.067 LECS: frame discarded: discard_reason
Description: The LECS has discarded an incoming frame for the specified reason.
LECS.068 |
Short Syntax: LECS.068 LECS: invld lecid: lecid
Long Syntax: LECS.068 LECS: invalid lecid: lecid
Description: The incoming frame had an invalid LEC-ID value.
LECS.069 |
Short Syntax: LECS.069 LECS: invld src LAN dest: x source_lan_dest_string
Long Syntax: LECS.069 LECS: invalid source LAN destination: x source_lan_dest_string
Description: The incoming frame had an invalid source LAN destination.
LECS.070 |
Short Syntax: LECS.070 LECS: invld src ATM addr: x source_atm_addr_string
Long Syntax: LECS.070 LECS: invalid source ATM address: x source_atm_addr_string
Description: The incoming frame had an invalid source ATM address.
LECS.071 |
Short Syntax: LECS.071 LECS: invld ELAN typ: requested_lan_type
Long Syntax: LECS.071 LECS: invalid ELAN type: requested_lan_type
Description: The incoming frame had an invalid ELAN type field.
LECS.072 |
Short Syntax: LECS.072 LECS: invld max frm sz: requested_mfs
Long Syntax: LECS.072 LECS: invalid maximum frame size: requested_mfs
Description: The incoming frame had an invalid maximum frame size field.
LECS.073 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.073 LECS: frm pssd vldtn chcks
Long Syntax: LECS.073 LECS: frame passed validation checks
Description: The incoming frame passed all frame validation tests.
LECS.074 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.074 LECS: LEC x lec_atm_addr assgnd to LES x les_atm_addr at priority usng policy_descript_string
Long Syntax: LECS.074 LECS: LEC x lec_atm_addr assigned to LES x les_atm_addr at priority priority using policy policy_descript_string
Description: The LEC was assigned to the specified LES based on the given policy.
LECS.075 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.075 LECS: unbl to assign rqst frm x source_atm_address
Long Syntax: LECS.075 LECS: unable to assign request from x source_atm_address
Description: The LECS was unable to assign the configuration request from the given source ATM address to a LES.
LECS.076 |
Short Syntax: LECS.076 LECS: ATM net down
Long Syntax: LECS.076 LECS: ATM net down
Description: The ATM network is now down.
LECS.077 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.077 LECS: ATM net up
Long Syntax: LECS.077 LECS: ATM net up
Description: The ATM network is now up.
LECS.078 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.078 LECS: ATM addr actvtd
Long Syntax: LECS.078 LECS: ATM address activated
Description: The ATM address of the LECS has been activated.
LECS.079 |
Short Syntax: LECS.079 LECS: ATM addr actvtn tmd out: retrying
Long Syntax: LECS.079 LECS: ATM address activation timed out: retrying
Description: The activation of the LECS' ATM address has timed out. Activation will be retried.
LECS.080 |
Short Syntax: LECS.080 LECS: ATM addr rjctd
Long Syntax: LECS.080 LECS: ATM address rejected
Description: The ATM address of the LECS has been rejected. Another attempt will be made to activate the ATM address.
LECS.081 |
Short Syntax: LECS.081 LECS: ATM addr dctvted: reactivating
Long Syntax: LECS.081 LECS: ATM address deactivated: reactivating
Description: The ATM address of the LECS has been deactivated. The LECS is attempting to reactivate it.
LECS.082 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.082 LECS: UNI vrsn rptd
Long Syntax: LECS.082 LECS: UNI version reported
Description: The UNI version was reported.
LECS.083 |
Short Syntax: LECS.083 LECS: invld upcall: upcall_descriptor_string
Long Syntax: LECS.083 LECS: invalid upcall from ATM: upcall_descriptor_string
Description: ATM has called an invalid or unexpected LECS procedure.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.084 |
Short Syntax: LECS.084 LECS: rfsd cfgtn drct: invld parms
Long Syntax: LECS.084 LECS: refused configuration direct: invalid parameters
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming configuration direct VCC due to invalid parameters.
LECS.085 |
Short Syntax: LECS.085 LECS: rfsd cfgtn drct frm x calling_atm_address: invld parms
Long Syntax: LECS.085 LECS: refused configuration direct from x calling_atm_address: invalid parameters
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming configuration direct VCC from the given ATM address due to invalid parameters. To gain more information on why the VCC was rejected, LES ELS messages must be displayed. The relevant LES ELS messages are LES.002 through LES.040.
LECS.086 |
Short Syntax: LECS.086 LECS: rfsd cfgtn drct frm x calling_atm_address: at max VCCs
Long Syntax: LECS.086 LECS: refused configuration direct from x calling_atm_address: at maximum VCCs
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming configuration direct VCC from the given ATM address because it is already at its maximum number of VCCs. The LECS attempted, and failed, to locate and release idle VCCs.
LECS.087 |
Short Syntax: LECS.087 LECS: rfsd cfgtn drct frm x calling_atm_address: mem alloc err
Long Syntax: LECS.087 LECS: refused configuration direct from x calling_atm_address: memory allocation error
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming configuration direct VCC from the given ATM address due to a memory allocation error.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.088 |
Short Syntax: LECS.088 LECS: rfsd cfgtn drct frm x calling_atm_address: unble to get time
Long Syntax: LECS.088 LECS: refused configuration direct from x calling_atm_address: unable to get time
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming configuration direct VCC from the given ATM address due to an inability to determine the time.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.089 |
Short Syntax: LECS.089 LECS: rfsd cfgtn drct frm x calling_atm_address: opn data path err: no ATM mem
Long Syntax: LECS.089 LECS: refused configuration direct from x calling_atm_address: open data path error: no ATM memory
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming configuration direct VCC from the given ATM address due to an inability to open a data path to the caller. The data path failure was due to a lack of memory in ATM.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.090 |
Short Syntax: LECS.090 LECS: rfsd cfgtn drct frm x calling_atm_address: opn data path err: error_code_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.090 LECS: refused configuration direct from x calling_atm_address: open data path error: error_code_string ( error_code)
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming configuration direct VCC from the given ATM address due to an inability to open a data path to the caller.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.091 |
Short Syntax: LECS.091 LECS: rfsd cfgtn drct frm x calling_atm_address: rcv ack err: no SVC mem
Long Syntax: LECS.091 LECS: refused configuration direct from x calling_atm_address: receive ack error: no SVC memory
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming configuration direct VCC from the given ATM address due to an inability to acknowledge the call. The acknowledgment failure was due to a lack of memory in SVC.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.092 |
Short Syntax: LECS.092 LECS: rfsd cfgtn drct frm x calling_atm_address: rcv ack err: error_code_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.092 LECS: refused configuration direct from x calling_atm_address: rcv ack error: error_code_string ( error_code)
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming configuration direct VCC from the given ATM address due to an inability to acknowledge the call.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.093 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.093 LECS: cfgtn drct frm x calling_atm_address estblshd
Long Syntax: LECS.093 LECS: configuration direct from x calling_atm_address established
Description: The LECS has established a configuration direct from the given caller.
LECS.094 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.094 LECS: cfgtn drct frm x calling_atm_address dscnnctd
Long Syntax: LECS.094 LECS: configuration direct from x calling_atm_address disconnected
Description: The configuration direct VCC from the specified ATM address has been disconnected.
LECS.095 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.095 LECS: sent config response to x source_atm_address
Long Syntax: LECS.095 LECS: sent configuration response to x source_atm_address
Description: The LECS has transmitted a configuration response using the specified source ATM address.
LECS.096 |
Short Syntax: LECS.096 LECS: invld state ( state) for upcall ' upcall_descriptor_string'
Long Syntax: LECS.096 LECS: invalid state ( state) for upcall ' upcall_descriptor_string'
Description: The ATM interface has issued an upcall to the LECS using an invalid user correlator.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.097 |
Short Syntax: LECS.097 LECS: operation_descrip_string: LES addr les_atm_addr not exst
Long Syntax: LECS.097 LECS: operation_descrip_string: LES ATM address les_atm_addr does not exist
Description: A lookup for the specified LES ATM address failed during the given operation.
LECS.098 |
Short Syntax: LECS.098 LECS: crt LES les_atm_addr fld: mem alloc err
Long Syntax: LECS.098 LECS: create LES les_atm_addr failed: memory allocation error
Description: A memory allocation error occured while attempting to create a LES at the LECS.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.099 |
Short Syntax: LECS.099 LECS: crt LES les_atm_addr fld: dplct LES addr
Long Syntax: LECS.099 LECS: create LES les_atm_addr failed: duplicate LES ATM address
Description: The user is attempting to create a LES using a LES ATM address which already exists.
LECS.100 |
Short Syntax: LECS.100 LECS: crt LES les_atm_addr fld: dbase err
Long Syntax: LECS.100 LECS: create LES les_atm_addr failed: database error
Description: A database error occured while attempting to add the LES address to the LECS databases.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.101 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.101 LECS: LES crtd x les_atm_addr => ' elan_name'
Long Syntax: LECS.101 LECS: LES created x les_atm_addr => ' elan_name'
Description: The specified LES was created and bound to the given ELAN.
LECS.102 |
Short Syntax: LECS.102 LECS: dltd LES: val not exst x les_atm_addr => ' elan_name'
Long Syntax: LECS.102 LECS: deleted LES: value did not exist x les_atm_addr => ' elan_name'
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between LES and the ELAN because the specified LES ATM address did not exist at the LECS.
LECS.103 |
Short Syntax: LECS.103 LECS: dlt LES les_atm_addr fld: bad ELAN nm ' elan_name'
Long Syntax: LECS.103 LECS: delete of LES les_atm_addr failed: bad ELAN name ' elan_name'
Description: The user attempted to delete a LES from an ELAN when that LES was not associated with that ELAN.
LECS.104 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.104 LECS: LES dltd: x les_atm_addr => ' elan_name'
Long Syntax: LECS.104 LECS: LES deleted: x les_atm_addr => ' elan_name'
Description: The specified LES was deleted from the given ELAN at the LECS.
LECS.105 |
Short Syntax: LECS.105 LECS: crt ELAN ' elan_name' fld: dbase err
Long Syntax: LECS.105 LECS: create ELAN ' elan_name' failed: database error
Description: A database error occured while attempting to add the ELAN to the the LECS databases.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.106 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.106 LECS: incmng call: local_or_wk_address
Long Syntax: LECS.106 LECS: incoming call: local_or_wk_address
Description: The LECS received an incoming call for either the local address, or for the LECS well-known address as specified in the LAN emulation specification.
LECS.107 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.107 LECS: addng LEC addr to mem: lec_atm_addr: LES les_atm_addr time current_time
Long Syntax: LECS.107 LECS: adding LEC ATM address to memory: lec_atm_addr: LES les_atm_addr current time current_time
Description: The LEC ATM address was added to the LECS short-term memory. The LEC was assigned to the specified LES at the given time.
LECS.108 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.108 LECS: dltng LEC addr frm mem: lec_atm_addr time current_time
Long Syntax: LECS.108 LECS: deleting LEC ATM address from memory: lec_atm_addr current time current_time
Description: The LEC ATM address was deleted from the LECS short-term memory at the specified time.
LECS.109 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.109 LECS: updtng LEC addr in mem: lec_atm_addr LES les_atm_addr time current_time
Long Syntax: LECS.109 LECS: updating LEC ATM address in memory: lec_atm_addr: LES les_atm_addr current time current_time
Description: The LEC ATM address was updated in the LECS short-term memory. The LES was last assigned to the specified LES at the given time.
LECS.110 |
Short Syntax: LECS.110 LECS: mem add fld: unbl to get time: lec_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.110 LECS: memory add failed: unable to get time: lec_atm_addr
Description: The LECS was unable to add the LEC ATM address to its memory because it was unable to get the current time.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.111 |
Short Syntax: LECS.111 LECS: mem updt fld: unbl to get time: lec_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.111 LECS: memory update failed: unable to get time: lec_atm_addr
Description: The LECS was unable to update the LEC ATM address in its memory because it was unable to get the current time.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.112 |
Short Syntax: LECS.112 LECS: mem lkup fld: unbl to get time: lec_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.112 LECS: memory lookup failed: unable to get time: lec_atm_addr
Description: The LECS was unable to search for a LEC ATM address in its memory because it was unable to get the current time.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.113 |
Short Syntax: LECS.113 LECS: mem add fld: mem alloc err: lec_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.113 LECS: memory add failed: memory allocation error: lec_atm_addr
Description: The LECS was unable to add the LEC ATM address to its memory because of a memory allocation error.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.114 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.114 LECS: mem lkup success: lec_atm_addr prim LES primary_les_atm_addr: last LES last_les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.114 LECS: memory lookup success: lec_atm_addr primary LES primary_les_atm_addr: last LES last_les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS found the LEC ATM address in its short term memory. The LEC is associated with the specified primary LES in its databases, and the last time the LEC contacted the LECS it was given the LES specified LES address.
LECS.115 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.115 LECS: mem lkup fld: lec_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.115 LECS: memory lookup failed: lec_atm_addr
Description: The LECS did not find the LEC ATM address in memory. The primary LES ATM address is used in the configuration response.
LECS.116 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.116 LECS: mvd to nrml state
Long Syntax: LECS.116 LECS: moved to normal state
Description: The LECS has moved from the state where it rejects all incoming calls to its normal operating state.
LECS.117 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.117 LECS: mvd to rjct calls state
Long Syntax: LECS.117 LECS: moved to reject calls state
Description: The LECS has moved to a state where it will reject all incoming calls.
LECS.118 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.118 LECS: rfsd cfgtn drct frm x calling_atm_address rject calls state
Long Syntax: LECS.118 LECS: refused configuration direct from x calling_atm_address in reject call state
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming configuration direct VCC from the given ATM address because it is in a state which dictates that all VCCs are rejected.
LECS.119 |
Short Syntax: LECS.119 LECS: ELAN ' elan_name': set fld: dbase err: set_fail_reason
Long Syntax: LECS.119 LECS: ELAN ' elan_name': set failed: database error: set_fail_reason
Description: The attempt to set the parameter of the ELAN failed due to a database error. The resources of the failed ELAN were released at the LECS.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.120 |
Short Syntax: LECS.120 LECS: LES x les_atm_addr: set fld: dbase err: set_fail_reason
Long Syntax: LECS.120 LECS: LES x les_atm_addr: set failed: database error: set_fail_reason
Description: The attempt to set the parameter of the LES failed due to a database error. The failed LES was released at the LECS.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.121 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.121 LECS: lcl LES addr for ELAN ' elan_name' mapped to LES: actual_les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.121 LECS: local LES address for ELAN: ' elan_name' mapped to LES: actual_les_atm_addr
Description: The local LES ATM address was mapped to specified actual ATM address. The actual ATM address was obtained from a LES/BUS located on this router which serves the specified ELAN.
LECS.122 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.122 LECS: unbl to find local LES for ELAN ' elan_name' for LEC: lec_atm_adddr
Long Syntax: LECS.122 LECS: unable to find local LES for ELAN ' elan_name' for LEC: lec_atm_adddr
Description: The specified LEC was to be assigned to a local LES, but that local LES does not exist on the router. The configuration request for this LEC is rejected.
LECS.123 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.123 LECS: wka_anycast rgstrtn: success
Long Syntax: LECS.123 LECS: wka_anycast address registration: success
Description: The attempt by ILMI to register the LECS well-known address or the LECS anycast addreess with the ATM switch has succeeded.
LECS.124 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.124 LECS: wka_anycast rgstrtn: no success
Long Syntax: LECS.124 LECS: wka_anycast address registration: no success
Description: The attempt by ILMI to register the LECS well-known address or the LECS anycast address with the ATM switch has either failed, or has not yet succeeded. The LECS will poll the status of the well-known or anycast address again.
LECS.125 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.125 LECS: wka_anycast rgstrtn: gvng up
Long Syntax: LECS.125 LECS: wka_anycast address registration: giving up
Description: The attempt by ILMI to register the LECS well-known address or the LECS anycast address with the ATM switch has either failed, or has not yet succeeded. The LECS will not poll the status of the well-known or anycast address again.
LECS.126 |
Short Syntax: LECS.126 LECS: wka_anycast rgstrtn err: error_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.126 LECS: wka_anycast address registration error: error_string ( error_code)
Description: The LECS attempt to poll the status of the LECS well-known address or the LECS anycast address registration resulted in an error.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.127 |
Short Syntax: LECS.127 LECS: wka_anycast actvtn err: error_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.127 LECS: wka_anycast address activation error: error_string ( error_code)
Description: The LECS attempt to activate the LECS well-known address or the LECS anycast address resulted in an error.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.128 |
Level: P_TRACE
Short Syntax: LECS.128 Trace LECS control frames
Long Syntax: LECS.128 Trace LAN Emulation Configuration Server control frames
Description: Packet tracing for control frames to and from the LECS.
LECS.129 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.129 LECS: secrty req rejected for LEC lec_atm_addr and LES les_atm_addr: rejection_reason
Long Syntax: LECS.129 LECS: security request rejected for LEC lec_atm_addr and LES les_atm_addr: rejection_reason
Description: The LECS processed a security request concerning the specified LEC and LES, and this request was rejected. Reasons for rejecting a security request are: 1) "reqstng LES not last assgned LES" - the LEC was found in the short-term memory of the LECS, and the last LES to which it was assigned is not the requesting LES. 2) "LES assgnmnt fld" - the LECS has no knowledge of the LEC contacting it, and the LECS is unable to find a LES for the LEC based on the supplied information. 3) "requstng LES not assgnd LES" - the LECS has no knowledge of the LEC contacting it, the LECS was able to assign the LEC to a LES, but the requesting LES is not the LES that would be assigned by the LECS.
LECS.130 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.130 LECS: secrty req apprvd for LEC lec_atm_addr and LES les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.130 LECS: security request approved for LEC lec_atm_addr and LES les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS processed a security request concerning the specified LEC and LES, and the request was approved.
LECS.132 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.132 LECS: snding LEC: lec_atm_addr to primary_or_backup LES: les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.132 LECS: sending LEC: lec_atm_addr to primary_or_backup LES: les_atm_addr
Description: The specified client is being sent to the specified primary or backup LES.
LECS.133 |
Short Syntax: LECS.133 LECS: err error_location: invld ATM addr mask atm_addr_mask
Long Syntax: LECS.133 LECS: error error_location: invalid ATM address mask atm_addr_mask
Description: The given ATM address mask is invalid. The only type of address mask currently allowed specifies a prefix of the ATM address. Thus, the mask must be a non-zero number of 0xff octets, followed by all 0x00 octets. The error occured when the user attempted to create or delete an ATM address policy value.
LECS.134 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.134 LECS: crtd ESI/Sel pol val: x esi_selector => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.134 LECS: created ESI/Selector policy value: x esi_selector => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully created the specified policy value, binding it to the specified LES.
LECS.135 |
Short Syntax: LECS.135 LECS: dltd ESI/Sel pol val: val not exst x esi_selector_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.135 LECS: deleted ESI/Selector policy value: value did not exist x esi_selector_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the LES because the value did not exist at the LECS.
LECS.136 |
Short Syntax: LECS.136 LECS: dltd ESI/Sel pol val: bad LES addr x esi_selector_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.136 LECS: deleted ESI/Selector policy value: bad LES address x esi_selector_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the LES because the specified value is bound to a LES other than the specified LES.
LECS.137 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.137 LECS: dltd ESI/Sel pol val: x esi_selector_pv => x les_atm_addr
Long Syntax: LECS.137 LECS: deleted ESI/Selector policy value: x esi_selector_pv => x les_atm_addr
Description: The LECS successfully deleted the binding between the policy value and the specified LES.
LECS.138 |
Short Syntax: LECS.138 LECS: crt sus ATM Addr fld: mem alloc err: suspect_atm_address_description_string
Long Syntax: LECS.138 LECS: create suspect ATM Addr failed: memory allocation error: suspect_atm_address_description_string
Description: The LECS was unable to allocate the memory required to create the specified suspect ATM address.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.139 |
Short Syntax: LECS.139 LECS: crt sus ATM Addr fld: val exsts: suspect_ATM_Address_description
Long Syntax: LECS.139 LECS: create suspect ATM Address failed: value already exists: suspect_ATM_Address_description
Description: The specified suspect ATM Address already exists at the LECS.
LECS.140 |
Short Syntax: LECS.140 LECS: crt sus ATM Addr fld: dbase err: suspect_ATM_Address_description
Long Syntax: LECS.140 LECS: create suspect ATM Address failed: database error: suspect_ATM_Address_description
Description: The LECS was unable to create the suspect ATM Address because of an internal database error.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.141 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.141 LECS: sus ATM Addr dltd: suspect_ATM_Address_description
Long Syntax: LECS.141 LECS: suspect ATM Address deleted : suspect_ATM_Address_description
Description: The specified suspect ATM address was deleted from the LECS.
LECS.142 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.142 LECS: suspect src ATM addr: x source_atm_addr_string
Long Syntax: LECS.142 LECS: suspect source ATM address: x source_atm_addr_string
Description: The incoming frame had a suspect source ATM address. This configuration or security request is rejected with cause "Access Denied."
LECS.143 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.143 LECS: updtd cnfgrtn for fld: ' field_name'
Long Syntax: LECS.143 LECS: updated configuration for field: ' field_name'
Description: During initialization, an outdated configuration record was discovered. Certain configuration parameters of the LECS were updated to reflect a new code release. This event is common and expected after updating to a new release of operation code.
LECS.144 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.144 LECS: rfsd cfgtn drct frm x calling_atm_address suspect ATM address
Long Syntax: LECS.144 LECS: refused configuration direct from x calling_atm_address in reject call state
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming configuration direct VCC from the given ATM address because the address is configured to be a suspect ATM address in the access-control database.
LECS.145 |
Short Syntax: LECS.145 LECS: frm contains bad TLV info
Long Syntax: LECS.145 LECS: frame contains incorrect no bytes in TLV data.
Description: The incoming frame contains incorrect no bytes in TLV data.
LECS.146 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.146 LECS: LEC x lec_atm_addr last assgnd to unkwn LES, occrrd count times
Long Syntax: LECS.146 LECS: LEC x lec_atm_addr last assigned to unknown LES, has occurred count times
Description: The specified LEC is in the LECS' memory, but has most recently been assigned to a LES which is neither the primary nor the backup. This may be the result of a configuration change at the LEC or the LECS, or it may indicate that an edge device is incorrectly using the same source ATM address for configuring multiple LECs. If this message occurs multiple times for the same LEC with an increasing count, then the latter explanation is most likely.
LECS.147 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.147 LECS: crtd LEC TLV: tp x tlv_type len tlv_length val x tlv_value: for policy_value_type policy_value
Long Syntax: LECS.147 LECS: created LEC TLV: type x tlv_type length tlv_length value x tlv_value: for policy_value_type policy_value
Description: The LECS created the specified TLV for the given policy value.
LECS.148 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.148 LECS: dltd LEC TLV: tp x tlv_type len tlv_length val tlv_value: for policy_value_type policy_value
Long Syntax: LECS.148 LECS: deleted LEC TLV: type x tlv_type length tlv_length value tlv_value: for policy_value_type policy_value
Description: The LECS deleted the specified TLV from the specified policy value.
LECS.149 |
Short Syntax: LECS.149 LECS: crt LEC TLV failed: tp x tlv_type len tlv_length val tlv_value
Long Syntax: LECS.149 LECS: create LEC TLV failed: type x tlv_type length tlv_length value tlv_value
Description: The LECS failed in attempting to allocate memory for the TLV.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.150 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.150 LECS: crt sus ATM Addr suspect_ATM_Address_
Long Syntax: LECS.150 LECS: create suspect ATM Address suspect_ATM_Address_
Description: A suspect ATM address was created at the LECS.
LECS.151 |
Short Syntax: LECS.151 LECS: crt TLV failed: type x tlv_type len tlv_length
Long Syntax: LECS.151 LECS: create TLV failed: type x tlv_type length tlv_length
Description: The LECS failed in attempting to allocate memory for a TLV that contains an encoded LECS SRAM record to be sent to a remote LECS as part of the LECS Database Synchronization
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.152 |
Short Syntax: LECS.152 LECS: error alloc mem for Dbase Sync ATM addr: dbase_sync_atm_address_string
Long Syntax: LECS.152 LECS: error allocating memory for Dbase Sync ATM addr: dbase_sync_atm_address_string
Description: The LECS was unable to allocate the memory required to create the specified remote LECS ATM address for Database Sync.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.153 |
Short Syntax: LECS.153 LECS: remote LECS ATM addr already exists: dbase_sync_ATM_Address_string
Long Syntax: LECS.153 LECS: remote LECS ATM addr already exists: dbase_sync_ATM_Address_string
Description: The specified remote LECS ATM Address for LECS Database Synchronization already exists at the LECS.
LECS.154 |
Short Syntax: LECS.154 LECS: dbase err for Dbase Sync ATM address: dbase_sync_ATM_Address_string
Long Syntax: LECS.154 LECS: dbase err for Dbase Sync ATM address: dbase_sync_ATM_Address_string
Description: The LECS was unable to create the Dbase Sync ATM Address because of an internal database error.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.155 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.155 LECS: create Dbase Sync Addr: dbase_sync_ATM_Address_string
Long Syntax: LECS.155 LECS: create Dbase Sync Addr: dbase_sync_ATM_Address_string
Description: An LECS Database Synchronization ATM address was created at the LECS.
LECS.156 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.156 LECS: dbase sync ATM Addr deleted: dbase_sync_ATM_Address_string
Long Syntax: LECS.156 LECS: dbase sync ATM Addr deleted: dbase_sync_ATM_Address_string
Description: The specified LECS Database Sync ATM address was deleted from the LECS.
LECS.157 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.157 LECS: attempting Dbase Sync VCC to: dbase_sync_ATM_Address_string
Long Syntax: LECS.157 LECS: attempting setup of Dbase Sync VCC to: dbase_sync_ATM_Address_string
Description: An LECS Database Synchronization VCC is being attempted to the indicated remote LECS ATM address.
LECS.158 |
Short Syntax: LECS.158 LECS: error_message, rc=x error_code: err in Dbase Sync VCC to: dbase_sync_ATM_Address_string
Long Syntax: LECS.158 LECS: error_message, rc=x error_code: err in Dbase Sync VCC to: dbase_sync_ATM_Address_string
Description: An LECS Database Synchronization VCC cannot be setup to the indicated remote LECS ATM address due to indicated error.
LECS.159 |
Short Syntax: LECS.159 LECS: error alloc mem for Dbase Sync frame, rc=x error_code: dbase_sync_atm_address_string
Long Syntax: LECS.159 LECS: error alloc mem for Dbase Sync frame, rc=x error_code: dbase_sync_atm_address_string
Description: The LECS was unable to allocate the memory required to create the specified remote LECS ATM address for Database Sync.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.160 |
Short Syntax: LECS.160 LECS: reject Dbase Sync VCC (not allowed) from: calling_atm_address
Long Syntax: LECS.160 LECS: reject Dbase Sync VCC (not allowed) from: calling_atm_address
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming LECS Database Sync VCC from the given LECS ATM address because this LECS has been configured to not allow remote configuration.
LECS.161 |
Short Syntax: LECS.161 LECS: reject Dbase Sync VCC (already exists) from: calling_atm_address
Long Syntax: LECS.161 LECS: reject Dbase Sync VCC (already exists) from: calling_atm_address
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming LECS Database Sync VCC from the given LECS ATM address because another Dbase Sync VCC already exists, and only one is allowed at a time.
LECS.162 |
Short Syntax: LECS.162 LECS: rfsd dbase sync frm x calling_atm_address: rcv ack err: error_code_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.162 LECS: refused database sync vcc from x calling_atm_address: rcv ack error: error_code_string ( error_code)
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming LECS Database Sync VCC from the given ATM address due to an inability to acknowledge the call.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.163 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.163 LECS: dbase sync vcc setup from remote LECS: calling_atm_address
Long Syntax: LECS.163 LECS: dbase sync vcc setup from remote LECS: calling_atm_address
Description: The LECS Database Synchronization VCC has been successfully established from a remote LECS with the indicated ATM address.
LECS.164 |
Short Syntax: LECS.164 LECS: rfsd dbase sync frm x calling_atm_address: open data path err: error_code_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.164 LECS: refused database sync vcc from x calling_atm_address: open data path error: error_code_string ( error_code)
Description: The LECS has refused an incoming LECS Database Sync VCC from the given ATM address due to an inability to open a data path to the caller.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.165 |
Short Syntax: LECS.165 LECS: dbase sync call fail: open data path err: error_code_string ( error_code)
Long Syntax: LECS.165 LECS: database sync call failed: open data path err: error_code_string ( error_code)
Description: The LECS was unable to setup an LECS Database Sync VCC due to an inability to open a data path to the caller.
Action: Contact your customer service representative.
LECS.166 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.166 LECS: dbase sync vcc setup to remote LECS
Long Syntax: LECS.166 LECS: dbase sync vcc setup to remote LECS
Description: The LECS Database Synchronization VCC has been successfully established to a remote LECS.
LECS.167 |
Short Syntax: LECS.167 LECS: Dbase Sync call failed: cause cause_code
Long Syntax: LECS.167 LECS: Dbase Sync call failed: cause code = cause_code
Description: The LECS Database Synchronization VCC failed to be established due to the indicated cause code.
LECS.168 |
Short Syntax: LECS.168 LECS: Dbase Sync call failed: net down
Long Syntax: LECS.168 LECS: Dbase Sync call failed: net down
Description: The LECS Database Synchronization VCC failed to be established because the connection to the network is down.
LECS.169 |
Short Syntax: LECS.169 LECS: Dbase Sync VCC released: cause cause_code
Long Syntax: LECS.169 LECS: Dbase Sync VCC released: cause cause_code
Description: The LECS Database Synchronization VCC was released with the indicated cause code.
LECS.170 |
Short Syntax: LECS.170 LECS: Dbase Sync VCC released: net down
Long Syntax: LECS.170 LECS: Dbase Sync VCC released: net down
Description: The LECS Database Synchronization VCC was released because the connection to the network is down.
LECS.171 |
Short Syntax: LECS.171 LECS: SRAM error: reason_string
Long Syntax: LECS.171 LECS: SRAM error: reason_string
Description: The LECS SRAM configuration could not be read correctly during the LECS Database Sync procedure. See the error message for details.
LECS.172 |
Short Syntax: LECS.172 LECS: Dbase Sync VCC rx bad frame: frame_opcode_string
Long Syntax: LECS.172 LECS: Dbase Sync VCC received bad frame type: frame_opcode_string
Description: The indicated illegal frame type was received on an LECS Database Synchronization VCC.
LECS.173 |
Level: U_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.173 LECS: Dbase Sync retry timer expiration num= num_call_failures
Long Syntax: LECS.173 LECS: Dbase Sync retry timer expiration num= num_call_failures
Description: The LECS Database Synchronization VCC retry timer has expired indicating another Database Sync VCC should be attempted.
LECS.174 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.174 LECS: Config Req sent on Dbase Sync VCC
Long Syntax: LECS.174 LECS: Config Req sent on Dbase Sync VCC
Description: The Configure Request frame was successfully sent on the LECS Database Synchronization VCC with the encoded LECS SRAM data.
LECS.175 |
Short Syntax: LECS.175 LECS: error writing config from Dbase Sync VCC
Long Syntax: LECS.175 LECS: error writing config from Dbase Sync VCC
Description: An error occurred when storing the LECS SRAM records received on the LECS Database Synchronization VCC.
LECS.176 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.176 LECS: Config Request received on Dbase Sync VCC
Long Syntax: LECS.176 LECS: Config Request received on Dbase Sync VCC
Description: A Configure Request frame was successfully received on the LECS Database Synchronization VCC.
LECS.177 |
Level: C_INFO
Short Syntax: LECS.177 LECS: Config Response received on Dbase Sync VCC: status= status
Long Syntax: LECS.177 LECS: Config Response received on Dbase Sync VCC: status= status
Description: A Configure Response frame was successfully received on the LECS Database Synchronization VCC.
LECS.178 |
Short Syntax: LECS.178 LECS: not ready for Config Response on Dbase Sync VCC
Long Syntax: LECS.178 LECS: not ready for Config Response on Dbase Sync VCC
Description: An error occurred while receiving a Config Response on the LECS Database Synchronization VCC. The pointer to the current Dbase Sync control block is invalid (NULL).